IMPACT (Intervention based Management through Personalized Application for behaviour Change Therapy)

According to NIH, recent estimates suggest that human behavior accounts for between 40-50% of the risk associated with premature deaths. Young adults are at an immense risk of developing harmful habits such as smoking cigarettes, marijuana, drinking alcohol, PUBG, social media, etc and behavior therapy has an immense potential to treat these harmful habits.

The limiting factor for the widespread use of Behaviour therapy amongst all the sections of the society is the lack of availability of professionals that can effectively administer personalized behavior change therapy. Through our app which is grounded in the basic science of Mechanisms and Therapeutic Interventions of Behaviour Change, we wish to digitally administer Personalized behavior change therapy to have a maximum IMPACT.

Our app is targetted towards youth who have developed a habit that is causing them harm emotionally, mentally or financially and wish to eliminate the said habit from their lives.

We wish to achieve our goals by combining the habit change loop; the Trigger-Routine-Reward loop and merge it with therapeutic behavior change modalities namely. Contingency Management, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, and Interpersonal therapy.

By asking the user questions such as how does the behavior causes harm, how often do you indulge in the behavior and what are the triggers to the habit, we wish to understand the context of the drug use and provide personalized replacing routines.

Our algorithm that provides replacing routines is based on our in-house database developed after conducting in-depth interviews of our friends who themselves harbor a harmful habit, insights provided by them were instrumental in helping us design our app specifically catering to the youth.

Our app also involves friends and family members of the user and encourages them to help the user through the addition of a Panic button, which directly calls the friend in need. This aspect covers the Interpersonal therapy aspect of Behavior Change therapy and Stress reactivity (how does a person respond to stress).

Our app is still in its initial phases and it is our desire and passion to extremely personalize our app for our user. Our plans for the future

1) Predicting incoming triggers and notifying the user - Achieved by using AI/ML algorithms on the data generated when and how frequently the user presses the trigger button

2) Based on location and Pin Code - provide information about nearby events and offline classes. (Currently, our app is limited to South Delhi)

3) Personalize Rewards - based on the hobbies of the user we give coupons to the user for commodities that further the new habit rather than simple monetary gain

Investments required
1) Hiring a technical team to develop and Improve the User Interface of the App
2) Collaborate with mental health clinicians on the efficacy of the app and conduct clinical trials
3) Hiring Scientific team to develop complex AI/ML algorithms based on user-generated database
4) Collaborate with Corporate commodities partners to develop a structure to provide personalized rewards to our users

Through our app, we wish to provide an efficacious and cost-effective modality available to people who do not have ready access to a mental health professional (which includes a huge majority of the world's population) and provide them a solution that is long-lasting and sustainable.

Harmful Behaviours destroy a lot of youths, some of whom we personally know and through our modest intervention wish to Keep them Safe from themselves.


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