Research Journals

 Ranking of research journals is decided by the impact factor of that research journal:

Impact factor: The impact factor is sum total of all citations in a year to the total no of publicationos

How to choose your journal before paper writing:

  1. Your audience and journal audience is same 
  2. Interests of the journal 
  3. Listed on PubMed 
  4. Impact factor 
  5. Turnaround time: some are paper based journals, may be around half to year time 
  6. Open access vs closed journals
    1. Author or institution pays 
  7. Previous experience( Be realistic!) 
  8. Ask a librarian or seasoned colleague 
  9. Types of articles 
    1. Original research (full article) 
    2. Short report 
    3. Case report 
    4. Opinion piece/editorial

Here is the list of journals for free publications in India 
its a pdf file Free journal for Indian publications


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