The psychology of money by Morgan Housel

 This is the first book related to money I have ever read. It led me increase my understanding about finance. 

Some important things

Related to medicine

    malariotherapy - noble prize

    dr jay katz - silent word between doctor and patient            

Some Quotes

  1. Things that never happened before happen all the time
  2. Respect the power of risk and luck
  3. Napolean - The man who can do avg things when all around him are crazy
  4. We want or seek admiration or respect by buying expensive things
  5. everything that breaks eventually breaks
  6. aim at everypoint in your working life

Some concepts
  1. end of history illusion
  2. index funds

Books which came in context
  1. factfullness
  2. risk and return by harry narkowit
  3. silent world between doctor and patient by Jay Katz


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